This works great until you highlight over 15 items, then you are forced to utilize the GUI menu via TI-Connect. If you'd like to send files to your graphing calculator, you can simply go to the folder the files are stored in, highlight the files, and right click them. If you have other troubles beyond this, please join us on the forums and we shall see what can be done to help you. If you cannot, and your version of TI-Connect fails to recognize your calculator, attempt a computer restart, and attempt to reinstall TI-Connect. There will come a point in time when TI-Connect refuses to recognize this cable and your calculator, so use at your own risk! It is highly recommended that you acquire a Silver link if you can.

If you have a TI-84+/SE or TI-89ti, then your calculator should have come with a USB to USB mini link. Either of these cables can be found on ebay for a reasonably cheap price, though the USB silver link is the preferred method of transmitting data between computer and calculator. For the TI-73, TI-83, TI-83+/SE, TI-86 and TI-89 graphing calculators, you need either a silver usb connectivity link or if your computer is old enough to have the connection, a TI Black link cable. Once you have downloaded the latest, you now need to hook up your graphing calculator. If the link doesn't work, you may be forced to google Texas Instruments Calculators to find them, as they have been known to randomly change pages. First thing that needs to happen is you need to make sure you get the latest version of TI-Connect available from Texas Instruments.